Author of Science Fiction and Fantasy

This is the official website of Caye Marsh, writer. I’m glad you’ve found it!
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This is an LLM/AI-free space. None of my works are created using any AI tools, and I only work with publishers who have a strict no-AI policy. I support real, live writers and artists and I hope you will, too.
Out Now!
“Whether it was on the post-apocalyptic arid planet surface or in a station full of secrets, I had a great time with this book.”
Review: Station in the Sky by Caye Marsh. A stunning post-apocalyptic Sci Fi.
“I was able to gift my character the chance to prevent an invasion. A chance to protect an ecosystem instead of trying desperately to restore it after the damage has begun. And the fact that she might very well succeed is definitely my favorite bit.”
My Favorite Bit: Caye Marsh talks about STATION IN THE SKY
“Sometimes, you outgrow the story you’re trying to tell. In author Caye Marsh’s case, this meant a rewrite of a novel she thought she had already completed.”
The Big Idea: Caye Marsh
Read the duology — Peace In The Sky and Station In The Sky — together in one volume.
Order Station in the Sky