I don’t have any writing advice for you, but there’s plenty of help out there!

Here are some resources I’ve found helpful while writing:

  • My favorite writing book is Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer. I turn to it for inspiration, for mind-expanding weirdness, and just to reaffirm my joy in creating.
  • Sandra Tayler has a great book — Structuring Life to Support Creativity — all about how to deal with the everyday stress of trying to fit writing into your life even when things are hard.
  • Charlie Jane Anders does something similar in her memoir-styled book Never Say You Can’t Survive.
  • See if you can find a group in your area that supports local writers in your genre. I’m a member of SpecFicNZ.
  • Getting involved in an online writer space is a great idea if you don’t have a writer community around you where you live (or even if you do).
    • Mary Robinette Kowal’s Patreon, Discord, and classes are a great place to go for help, instruction, and camaraderie.
  • I follow SFF indie book news on FanFiAddict.
  • I work with indie publisher Space Wizard Science Fantasy. They publish very cool books.
  • I have help with promotion, business, and design from Moon Enterprise. They do an amazing job.

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